HydrauPack 360E Battery
The HydrauPack 360E Battery is an electrical-driven hydraulic power unit, designed for peak shaving applications. This means it can generate high power output for short periods of time. This technology can be optimally applied for high-power repetitive applications with intermittent power demand. The batteries in this system are charged by a grid connection. When hydraulic energy is required, the energy stored in the batteries can be rapidly transferred to the hydraulic pump sets. In this unit the latest technology is combined with Hydrauvision’s high-quality proven technology, to create a reliable power source. This project’s challenge was storing as much energy as possible in a 20 ft frame. A dedicated battery conditioning system and fire fighting system were integrated to do this safely.

- Built-in hydraulic cooling seawater/oil system
- Integrated battery conditioning and propagation prevention systems
- Batteries charged by flexible grid connection
- Energy stored in batteries rapidly transferred to hydraulic pump set, 20 min full load peak sheaving