The project
Energy Pods are 10ft offshore containers equipped with a turbine, a 4.5kW generator, and solar panels on top. Inside, they house an 86 kWh battery pack. These Energy Pods provide a sustainable power source for the ICCP (Impressed Current Cathodic Protection) system, which protects offshore installations against galvanic corrosion. Amphibious Energy (AE) partnered with Hydrauvision to professionalize the prototype and supply the hydraulic brake for the generator.
In offshore environments, corrosion is a well-known challenge. AE, in collaboration with CORROSION (Wind Farm Maintenance and Protection), has developed a sustainable and cost-effective solution. Traditionally, offshore structures like platforms and monopiles are protected using galvanic anodes, also known as sacrificial anodes. These anodes corrode instead of the structure itself, preventing damage.
However, the sacrificial anode method for cathodic protection has several drawbacks. Over time, large amounts of zinc, magnesium, or aluminum are released into the water, along with heavy metals such as cadmium. Additionally, sacrificial anode systems lack the precision of modern cathodic protection methods like ICCP systems. Since sacrificial anodes have a limited lifespan, they must be replaced regularly, further increasing the ecological footprint.
Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) is a corrosion protection system that uses titanium anodes coated with Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO), connected to an external power source—supplied by the Energy Pods. This power source generates the electrochemical reaction necessary for cathodic protection. CAPEX/OPEX calculations show that ICCP systems provide a far more cost-effective long-term solution for corrosion protection in offshore wind turbines.
Our approach
Standard off-the-shelf hydraulic brakes were not suitable for this application. The brake needed to be not only energy-efficient but also redundant, fail-safe, and cost-effective. A conventional disc brake has the major drawback of residual torque when it is supposed to be “free,” leading to continuous energy loss. We developed a brake that is actively released to minimize mechanical losses.
In addition to designing the brake (including HPU) and generator housing, we optimized the entire drivetrain to enhance operational reliability. This way, we contribute to a cost-effective and sustainable solution for corrosion protection in offshore wind turbines.